Public Space, San Juan 2006

    The project proposes the modification of existing access routes between Condado and Santurce, through the creation of a new public space that will work as unifying and mediating agent between other existing public spaces by establishing direct connections between Cervantes Street and Canals Steet. The proposed park will also serve as buffer area between existing houses and the expressway, as leisure space, and as direct pedestrian connector between both sectors, hence promoting its use and its vitality.

    Santurce-Condado Connector night view from street with sculptures
  • Santurce-Condado Connector model with site and context Santurce-Condado Connector master plan
    Santurce-Condado Connector targeted area for intervention

    The Santurce Condado Connector proposes an intervention that promotes vehicular and pedestrian traffic, joining the two areas, activating the zone, and generating income.