Architecture in Puerto Rico

Buildings should serve people, not the other way around.

John Portman

DÍAZ PAUNETTO ARQUITECTOS is an award winning and leading architecture and design firm in Puerto Rico, with strong ties throughout Florida and the Caribbean. Our approach towards producing contemporary design and providing the best architecture in Puerto Rico is rooted in the belief that great design happens through a sustainable interaction between function and the environment, with an intelligent use of resources for the production of space.

Architecture in Puerto Rico





We Believe

in architecture's capacity to attend society's everyday problems and its ability to project the world we want to live in. At the same time, architecture has to address issues of adaptation and transformation in a constantly evolving society where people's lifestyles are continuously changing.

We believe in architecture as a manifestation of human aspirations grounded in a conscious effort to preserve our limited resources. These limitations of resource, economic or natural, apply not only to our clients but to our society as a whole. We believe that both good design and profitability should go by the hand. Good architecture is inherently ecological and can also be a tool for social change and economic growth. Our passion for what we do is greatly derived from architecture's ability to positively affect people's quality of life.

We believe architecture to be more than a practice or a profession. Architecture is also a vocation and discipline, where history, skills, theories, and innovation are intrinsic of the process. A vocation and discipline interacting with its evolving circumstances and surroundings.

We Design

spaces and environments in which people live and interact with one another, while at the same time promoting every user's discovery process of their surroundings.

We design by developing abstract ideas and transforming them into spatial formations. During this transformation process many considerations, like site, cultural and economic environment, client's programmatic needs and budget constraints, building techniques, marketing, branding, and other issues, have a baring effect in the form and the space. We aspire to create environments, buildings, or cities where design, technology, and finance work in unison, enabling an environment for innovation.

We design in a non-linear process, while complying with the standardized delivery process established by the profession. Problem and solution can emerge together with no definite direction of flow. We design with the understanding that architecture is also a visual art where buildings and spaces should speak for themselves, and with the hope that they may also serve and inspire their communities.

We design with the aspiration of providing our clients with the best architecture in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Region.

We Build

as an intrinsic part of the design process. Building is the execution phase of the process. It is when theories, embodied in our contemporary architectural concepts and manifested through construction documents or plans, are tested. It is when building and construction innovation is also tested. Depending on the degree of complexity or size, the execution or construction process can be carried out by our sister construction company or by independent contractors in agreement with the client.

We build, not thinking of building as the conclusion of the design process, but yet as the threshold of a new phase where theories are truly tested over time, while the space is occupied by their users. It is when the discovery and interaction of users within an evolving environment happen. It is when society reacts to space by either accepting, rejecting, or transforming it.

We build because, in spite of how difficult it sometimes may be, we simply enjoy the process.

Architects in Puerto Rico


Architecture Services in Puerto Rico

Architecture Design

We provide architectural services at different scales and building types, from Conceptual Designs to Construction Documents.

Urban Design Services in Puerto Rico

Urban Design

We provide Urban Design Services at a programmatic, schematic, and detailed development level, from small street interventions to large scale master plans.

Interior Design Services in Puerto Rico

Interior Design

We provide Interior Design Services, sometimes as an integral part of our architectural services or as independent commissions, from homes and offices to retail stores.

Furniture Design Services in Puerto Rico

Furniture Design

We design custom furniture as part of our architectural projects and for clients seeking furniture to attend particular needs or to enrich the spatial experience.

Construction Management Services in Puerto Rico

Construction Management

Given our construction background, we also provide Construction Management as part of our array of services, with proven positive results in both public and private sectors.

Inspection Services in Puerto Rico

Inspection Services

We have extensive experience in the field, and are qualified to provide inspection services for construction projects, as defined by the PR Certification Law.

Construction Contract Administration in Puerto Rico

Construction Contract Administration

As part of our basic services, we provide Construction Contract Administration for our design projects and can also provide these services for other construction projects.

Projects Research Services in Puerto Rico


Research is an integral part of our design process; nevertheless, these services can be provided independent from a design project, triggered by a client's particular need, and leading to the development of a unique solution.

Victor Diaz Paunetto, AIA

Víctor Díaz Paunetto, AIA



Publications on Architecture in Puerto Rico
Publications on Architecture in Puerto Rico


Architects News in Puerto Rico
Architects News in Puerto Rico
Architects News in Puerto Rico
  • "Montate que nos vamos"-AIAS

    On Friday December 5th AIAS UPR student organization, visited the Ecological Nursery La Mina and facilities Annex. We shared a beautiful morning and a welcome visit.

    Dic 5, 2014

  • "CAAPPR Felicita a Diaz Paunetto Arquitectos"

    The College of Architects and Landscape Architects of Puerto Rico congratulates Diaz Paunetto Arquitectos who has been named winner of the 2014 One-Prize Smartdock Competition, an internationally recognized science and design competition held this year in Brooklyn, New York, where teams from more than 22 countries and 5 continents participated.

    Nov 25, 2014

  • "Adaptaciones y Transformaciones"-UPR

    On November 12, 2014 our founder and design prinicipal Victor Diaz Paunetto lectures at the amphitheater of the School of Architecture of the University of Puerto Rico with a conference titled: Adaptations and Transformations. A brief selection of past and ongoing projects were presented, framed around the urban trasformations the city has undergone through the years and the need of the profession to adapt to the new economic and technological challenges of the 21st Century. Persuaded the academy to widen the interdisciplinary role of the architect within its society, while encouraging the architectural community to assume a leadership role in proposing new ways to rebuild our cities.

    Nov 12, 2014

  • 2014 ONE Prize "Smart Dock" Competition: First Prize

    We are very pleased to inform that our project Self Growing Lab has been distinguished with the first prize at the 2014 One-Prize Smartdock Competition, an internationally recognized science and design competition held this year in Brooklyn, New York, where teams from more than 22 countries and 5 continents participated. Jury comments include: ... "winning project, SELF GROWING LAB was unabashedly assertive in its formal language and technological optimism. The project seemed poised to take over the whole building, and even to burst out of it. The self-growing lab evokes many of the technologies and growth forms associated with Terreform ONE’s body of work...".

    Oct 29, 2014


    We are very pleased to inform that two of our projects will be distinguished during the AIA Florida/Caribbean Honor and Design Awards ceremony to be held next month at Trump National Doral Resort in Miami. The GELM ANNEX will receive an Honor Award of Excellence for Renovations, and the E-LODGE will receive an Honor Award for Unbuilt Design.

    MAY 28, 2014


    Puerto Rican Architecture and Design Magazine AREA recently published a profile piece about our founder and design principal, Victor Diaz Paunetto, his early professional years, his firm’s vision, and a description of some of the on-going projects.

    APRIL 20, 2014


    Our founder and design principal Victor Diaz Paunetto will hold a Design Conference at the Puerto Rico College of Architecture as part of a series of lectures starting next Monday, March 17 at the Multipurpose Room of the CAAPPR Annex with the winners of the XIII Puerto Rico Architecture Biennale.

    MARCH 11, 2014


    Following the celebration of the XIII Puerto Rican Architecture Biennale, ARQUITECTURA HOY, an educational radio show part of the University of Puerto Rico’s Radio, will be hosting an interview today with the winners. Our Principal, Victor Diaz Paunetto will be speaking about our winning projects. Tune in today at 4:00pm to 89.7 FM Radio Universidad.

    JANUARY 08, 2014


    As part of our celebration after a very fulfilling and successful year, the on-line magazine and newspaper segment MAGACIN, as well as the Construction segment of leading newspaper EL NUEVO DIA, wrote an article about Diaz Paunetto Arquitectos' 20th Anniversary and Celebration Gala.

    DECEMBER 14 2013


    At Diaz Paunetto Arquitectos we are pleased to celebrate our 20th anniversary in company of our family, collaborators, clients, and closest friends, to whom we are enormously grateful and thankful for our success.

    DECEMBER 07, 2013


    With reason of the XIII Puerto Rico Biennale, El Nuevo Dia newspaper wrote an article discussing the winning entries and the role of Architecture within Puerto Rico's society. The article included interviews to the designers of the four Honor Awards given at the Biennale, 2 of which belong to the our principal Victor Diaz Paunetto.

    NOVEMBER 27, 2013


    This past week some of our award-winning projects appeared on an edition of EL NUEVO DIA, Puerto Rico’s largest newspaper, in relation to the 2013 AIA Puerto Rico Honor Awards. We’re very proud of the relevance of our work within Puerto Rico's architecture and society as a whole.

    NOVEMBER 23, 2013


    EL NUEVO DIA - CONSTRUCCION put together an article("Jurado Otorga Premios") featuring Victor Diaz Paunetto and the other Biennale winners, along with commentary from all three jury members (Arq. Jonathan Marvel, Arq. Annabel Hernández, and Arq. Guillermo Banchini) about their decision process and the projects.

    NOVEMBER 16, 2013


    It is with great honor and joy that we inform that during the XIII Puerto Rico Architecture Biennale our prinicpal Victor Diaz Paunetto was awarded two distinctions. The GELM ANNEX received an Honor Award under the Built Projects Category, while the E-LODGE obtained and Honor Award under the Unbuilt Projects Category. We again want to thank our clients, collaborators, friends, and family, as well as the jury, composed of Arq. Jonathan Marvel FAIA, Arq. Guillermo Banchini, and Arq. Annabelle Hernández.

    NOVEMBER 12, 2013


    On the occasion of the month of the prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and male mental health awareness month, our team has decided to grow their mustaches and join the MOVEMBER USA movement. Join our team or help us with a donation, and contribute to romote a healthy life style. DPA-MO-BROS

    NOVEMBER 1, 2013


    We are pleased to inform you that during last Saturday’s celebration of the AIA PR Honor Awards, we were awarded a total of 3 recognitions: Merit Award for the GELM ANNEX under the Built Projects Category, Honorable Mention Award for the HUMACAO AQUATIC COMPLEX under Unbuilt Projects Category, and a Merit Award for the EAST CONNECTOR, under the Urban Design Category. We want to thank our clients for their patronage and trust, our colaborators for their great effort, our families and friends for their continuous support, and the panel of international judges, composed by Allan Shulman FAIA, Roney Maneu FAIA, and Willy Bermello.

    SEPTEMBER 30, 2013


    Design magazine AMBIENTE Y COLOR just featured our "Guarderia Ecologica La Mina" an Ecological Pre-School located in COROZAL, in an article ("Reciclaje de estructuras: Desafío Arquitectónico").

    MAY 1, 2013


    Design Magazine OCEAN DRIVE published a 4 page article on Diaz Paunetto's Lagoon House located in Vistamar Marina's Development titled: "La Casa en la Laguna".

    APRIL 1, 2013


    University of Puerto Rico School of Architecture’s Dean, Francisco Javier Rodríguez AIA finished his book titled: CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE IN PUERTO RICO 1993-2010. URBAN HOUSE and VALLE ESCONDIDO 30 are listed among the selected projects.

    FEBRUARY 25, 2010


    Design Magazine OCEAN DRIVE featured a 4 page article on our residential project VALLE ESCONDIDO 30 titled: "Geometría Perfecta", discussing the design process and conceptual approach.

    DECEMBER 28, 2009


    VALLE ESCONDIDO 30 was featured in EL NUEVO DIA’S final recount of distinguished architectural projects of the year 2007.

    DECEMBER 30, 2007


    This Saturday, the POR DENTRO section of EL NUEVO DIA, featured a 4 page article on our residential project VALLE ESCONDIDO 30. We are very pleased with the results of the project and the public's reception.

    MAY 27, 2006

Architects News in Puerto Rico
Architects News in Puerto Rico
Architects News in Puerto Rico